Bird Control and Exterminators

When you think of bird infestations, Hitchcock’s 1963 classic The Birds might come to mind. While the film takes a suspenseful and dramatic approach, it captures something real: certain bird species can be more than just a nuisance—they’re health hazards that can cause significant damage to your property. At 101 Exterminators, we understand that while not all birds are a Disney fantasy, many can create serious problems for both homes and businesses in Monterey County, Santa Cruz County, San Benito County, and Santa Clara County.

Why Bird Infestations Are a Problem

Birds may seem harmless, but certain species that settle on your property can cause extensive damage and pose health risks. Common issues include:

  • Property Damage: Bird droppings are acidic and can corrode building materials, damaging roofs, vehicles, and outdoor furniture. Nests built in gutters, drains, or near electrical wiring can lead to water damage and fire hazards.
  • Health Risks: Bird droppings carry a variety of diseases. Exposure to these droppings, particularly in large quantities, can cause serious respiratory illnesses such as histoplasmosis, as well as E. coli, salmonella, and more.
  • Secondary Infestations: Birds often bring other pests like mites, fleas, and even bed bugs into your home or commercial property.

A bird infestation isn’t just an eyesore—it’s a health risk. Bird droppings can transmit over 60 diseases, and the longer the infestation is left untreated, the greater the potential for costly damage and health concerns.

Common Birds Found in Northern Central California

Here are some of the more common birds that cause problems for homes and businesses in our region:

Pigeons (Columba livia)

  • Description: Pigeons are well known for their head-bobbing walk and are commonly found in urban areas. Often referred to as “rats with wings,” pigeons have earned this nickname because they carry many serious diseases through their droppings.
  • Risks: Pigeon droppings are highly acidic and can damage roofs, vehicles, and building materials. Their nests can clog gutters and drainage systems, leading to water damage. Pigeons are also notorious for spreading diseases like histoplasmosis, toxoplasmosis, and salmonella.

House Sparrows (Passer domesticus)

  • Description: House sparrows are small, dull-colored birds with black faces and reddish-brown wings. These birds are aggressive and often invade bird feeders, nests, and buildings in search of food and shelter.
  • Risks: House sparrows love to nest in crevices, eaves, shop signs, and gutters, which can block drainage and cause structural damage. They are known to transmit diseases through their droppings, which can accumulate quickly in infested areas.


  • Description: Gulls are often seen along coastal areas and are infamous for scavenging food from unsuspecting beachgoers. They’re aggressive, especially around food, and are known for their persistence.
  • Risks: Gulls’ droppings can corrode building materials, vehicles, and outdoor equipment. They can also spread diseases like encephalitis, salmonella, toxoplasmosis, and meningitis. Gulls often nest on rooftops, causing water drainage issues and structural damage.

Signs of a Bird Infestation

If you notice any of the following signs, it’s time to take action:

  • Excessive Bird Droppings: Large amounts of bird droppings on your property, roof, or walkways are a clear indicator of a bird infestation.
  • Nesting Materials: Birds often build nests in gutters, vents, or around electrical wiring, which can lead to water or fire hazards.
  • Constant Chirping: Persistent bird sounds, especially from species like sparrows, can indicate a nesting site nearby.
  • Frequent Bird Activity: Seeing birds regularly entering and exiting your attic, eaves, or other parts of your home is a sign they’ve made a home on your property.

How 101 Exterminators Can Help

At 101 Exterminators, we offer professional bird control solutions to protect your property and health. Our bird control services are tailored to your specific situation and designed to keep your home or business free from these unwanted invaders.

1. Comprehensive Inspection

We start by conducting a thorough inspection of your property to identify bird activity, nesting sites, and the extent of the infestation. We’ll also assess the potential damage caused by droppings or nests.

2. Bird Exclusion

Our goal is to prevent birds from settling on your property in the first place. We use humane exclusion methods, such as:

  • Bird Netting: A nearly invisible barrier that prevents birds from roosting on your property without harming them.
  • Bird Spikes: Installed on ledges, windowsills, and rooftops, these make it difficult for birds to land and nest.
  • Bird Wire and Other Deterrents: We install additional deterrent systems depending on the specific birds affecting your property.

3. Safe Removal of Nests and Droppings

If birds have already built nests or left droppings on your property, we safely remove and dispose of these materials. Bird droppings can be hazardous, so it’s essential to have professionals handle their cleanup to avoid exposure to dangerous pathogens.

4. Ongoing Prevention

We don’t just eliminate your bird problem—we work to prevent future infestations. Our team will provide you with practical solutions for keeping birds away, such as trimming trees, removing food sources, and making necessary repairs to your property.

Why Choose 101 Exterminators for Bird Control

  • Humane Solutions: We prioritize humane bird control methods that prevent birds from nesting on your property without harming them.
  • Expert Technicians: Our team is experienced in handling bird infestations of all sizes and knows the specific challenges posed by the local bird species.
  • Tailored Plans: We create custom bird control plans based on your property’s unique needs and the type of birds present.
  • Health and Safety Focused: We ensure that your home or business remains safe and clean by removing hazardous materials and preventing future health risks.

Birds might seem harmless at first, but their droppings, nests, and the pests they bring with them can create serious issues for your property. Trust 101 Exterminators to handle your bird control needs with effective, humane solutions tailored to your home or business.