Earwig Pest Control and Exterminators

Earwigs—just hearing the name can send shivers down your spine. If you’ve ever spotted one of these odd-looking creatures scuttling across your floor or hiding in a corner, you know how unsettling they can be. While they’re often harmless, their alien-like appearance and unsettling pincers make them unwelcome visitors in homes and gardens across Monterey County, Santa Cruz County, San Benito County, and Santa Clara County.

Understanding Earwigs

Earwigs belong to the order Dermaptera, and there are more than 2,000 species worldwide, found everywhere except Antarctica. In California’s northern central coast, the earwigs you’re most likely to encounter are dark brown or black, with shiny, leathery wings and long, flat bodies that help them hide in cracks and crevices.

Behavior and Habitat

Earwigs are nocturnal insects, coming out at night to search for food. They prefer cool, damp environments like:

  • Bathrooms
  • Basements
  • Garden Beds
  • Under Rocks or Mulch
  • Around Leaky Faucets

While they are omnivorous and help control smaller pests like mites and aphids, earwigs are more often considered a nuisance because of their diet. They enjoy munching on leafy greens, fruits, flowers, and even tree bark, which can make them a problem in your garden or yard.

Earwig Appearance

The most distinguishing feature of earwigs is the set of forcep-like pincers at the rear of their abdomen. While they may look intimidating, these pincers are generally harmless to humans and are used primarily for defense and during mating. The pincers vary in size depending on the species, but most found in our area are relatively small.

Earwig Myths and Misconceptions

One of the most persistent myths about earwigs is their name: many people believe these insects crawl into people’s ears to lay eggs in their brains. This myth has been around for centuries, but it’s simply not true. In reality, earwigs got their name because of the unique ear-like shape of their wings, not because they invade human ears.

While it’s possible for any bug to accidentally crawl near a person’s ear, earwigs are no more likely to do this than any other insect. In fact, earwigs generally avoid humans and are much more interested in finding food or moisture than bothering people.

Signs of an Earwig Infestation

Earwigs are primarily outdoor pests, but they will enter homes and buildings when they’re seeking food, moisture, or shelter from extreme weather. Look for these signs to determine if you have an earwig problem:

  • Live Earwig Sightings: These pests are nocturnal, so spotting one during the day might mean there are more hiding in dark, damp areas.
  • Damaged Plants: If your garden or houseplants have been chewed on, earwigs might be the culprits.
  • Pincers: Their distinct forceps make them easy to identify compared to other insects.

How 101 Exterminators Treats Earwig Infestations

At 101 Exterminators, we use a comprehensive approach to handle earwig infestations both inside and outside your home.

Indoor Treatments

Earwigs love to hide in dark, damp places like wall voids, cabinets, and baseboards. Our technicians focus on these problem areas, applying treatments that target earwigs where they are most likely to hide. Here’s what we do:

  • Dusting Wall Voids and Cracks: We use special dust formulations to treat inside wall voids, crevices, and behind cabinets, targeting earwig harborages.
  • Insecticide Application: Applying insecticide in cracks and corners helps ensure that no hiding place is left untreated.
  • Precautionary Measures: We require that all humans and pets vacate the structure while interior treatments are being applied for safety.

Outdoor Treatments

Earwigs often enter homes from outside, so creating a strong exterior barrier is essential to prevent further infestations:

  • Power Spraying: We apply an insecticide barrier around the perimeter of your home or structure, targeting common entry points and areas where earwigs might hide.
  • Granule Application: In high-moisture areas such as garden beds, under rocks, and near faucets, we apply insecticide granules to eliminate potential breeding grounds.

Why Choose 101 Exterminators for Earwig Control

  • Local Expertise: We understand the unique environmental conditions of Monterey, Santa Cruz, San Benito, and Santa Clara counties, and we tailor our treatments to suit the local ecosystem.
  • Comprehensive Solutions: From initial inspection to customized treatments, we ensure that both indoor and outdoor areas are covered.
  • Eco-Friendly Approach: Our methods prioritize the safety of your family, pets, and the environment.
  • Experienced Technicians: Our team is trained to identify and treat earwig infestations using the latest, most effective pest control techniques.

Tips to Prevent Earwig Infestations

  • Reduce Moisture: Fix leaky faucets and use dehumidifiers in damp areas of your home.
  • Eliminate Hiding Spots: Remove debris, such as mulch and leaf piles, from around your home’s foundation.
  • Seal Entry Points: Repair cracks in doors, windows, and foundations to prevent earwigs from entering.
  • Keep Plants and Gardens in Check: Regularly maintain your garden to reduce the likelihood of earwigs feeding on plants and flowers.

At 101 Exterminators, we’re committed to providing reliable and effective earwig pest control services. With our expert team and tailored solutions, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing your home is protected from these unwanted invaders.