Understanding Common Household Pests: Protect Your Home with 101 Exterminators

At 101 Exterminators, we know that your home is more than just four walls and a roof—it’s your sanctuary, a place where memories are made. When pests invade, they not only threaten your property but also your peace of mind. We’re here to help you understand the various pests that could infiltrate your home and how we can work together to eliminate them.

Why Pests Invade Homes

Pests are constantly searching for food, water, and shelter. Your home can offer all three in abundance if proper precautions aren’t taken. Understanding what attracts pests is the first step in preventing them from becoming uninvited houseguests.

Comprehensive Pest Identification and Control

We tackle a wide range of pests to ensure your home remains safe and comfortable. Below is an extensive list of common household pests, the risks they pose, and how 101 Exterminators can help you eliminate them.

1. Ants

Common Types:

  • Carpenter Ants
  • Odorous House Ants
  • Pavement Ants


  • Structural damage (especially from carpenter ants)
  • Contamination of food
  • Unpleasant odors

Our Solutions:

  • Identifying ant species and nesting sites
  • Applying targeted treatments
  • Sealing entry points
  • Providing prevention strategies

2. Termites

Common Types:

  • Subterranean Termites
  • Drywood Termites


  • Severe structural damage
  • Costly repairs if not detected early

Signs of Infestation:

  • Mud tubes on exterior walls
  • Hollow-sounding wood
  • Discarded wings near windowsills

Our Solutions:

  • Comprehensive inspections
  • Fumigation and localized treatments
  • Installing baiting systems
  • Preventative measures like wood treatments

3. Cockroaches

Common Types:

  • German Cockroaches
  • American Cockroaches
  • Oriental Cockroaches


  • Spread of diseases (e.g., Salmonella, E. coli)
  • Allergens triggering asthma
  • Rapid reproduction leading to infestations

Signs of Infestation:

  • Fecal droppings resembling coffee grounds
  • Musty odors
  • Shed skins and egg capsules

Our Solutions:

  • Targeted baiting and insecticide applications
  • Sanitation and exclusion recommendations
  • Ongoing monitoring and maintenance

4. Rodents

Common Types:

  • House Mice
  • Norway Rats
  • Roof Rats


  • Transmission of diseases (Hantavirus, Leptospirosis)
  • Damage to electrical wiring (fire hazard)
  • Contamination of food sources

Signs of Infestation:

  • Droppings and urine stains
  • Gnaw marks on furniture or walls
  • Scratching noises in walls or attics

Our Solutions:

  • Inspection to identify entry points
  • Trapping and removal
  • Rodent exclusion techniques
  • Insulation replacement if contaminated

5. Spiders

Common Types:

  • Black Widows
  • Brown Recluses
  • House Spiders


  • Venomous bites causing serious health issues
  • Webs creating unsightly corners

Our Solutions:

  • Identification and removal
  • Exterior and interior treatments
  • Reducing insect prey to limit food sources
  • Sealing cracks and crevices

6. Bed Bugs


  • Small, reddish-brown insects
  • Nocturnal feeders on human blood
  • Hide in mattresses, furniture, and cracks


  • Itchy, red bites
  • Psychological stress and sleep disturbances
  • Rapid spreading throughout the home

Our Solutions:

  • Detailed inspections using detection tools
  • Heat treatments and safe insecticides
  • Encasing mattresses and box springs
  • Follow-up visits to ensure complete eradication

7. Fleas


  • Tiny, wingless insects that jump long distances
  • Often introduced by pets


  • Irritating bites on humans and animals
  • Possible transmission of tapeworms and diseases
  • Rapid population growth

Our Solutions:

  • Treating indoor and outdoor areas
  • Recommendations for pet treatment (consult your vet)
  • Vacuuming and sanitation guidance
  • Insect growth regulators to prevent development

8. Ticks

Common Types:

  • Deer Ticks
  • American Dog Ticks


  • Transmission of Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever
  • Bites causing irritation and potential infections

Our Solutions:

  • Yard treatments to reduce tick populations
  • Landscaping advice to minimize habitats
  • Personal protection recommendations

9. Mosquitoes


  • Spread of diseases like West Nile virus and Zika virus
  • Itchy bites causing discomfort

Our Solutions:

  • Eliminating standing water sources
  • Larvicide applications in breeding areas
  • Barrier sprays for immediate relief
  • Community education on prevention

10. Stinging Insects

Common Types:

  • Wasps
  • Yellowjackets
  • Hornets
  • Bees


  • Painful stings, potentially life-threatening allergic reactions
  • Aggressive behavior when nests are disturbed

Our Solutions:

  • Safe nest removal and relocation when possible
  • Preventative measures to deter future nesting
  • Protective equipment to ensure safety

11. Silverfish


  • Metallic-looking insects with tapered bodies
  • Prefer moist, humid environments


  • Damage to books, wallpaper, and clothing
  • Contamination of food sources

Our Solutions:

  • Dehumidification strategies
  • Targeted insecticide applications
  • Sealing entry points and cracks

12. Earwigs


  • Recognizable pincers on their abdomen
  • Attracted to damp and decaying vegetation


  • Plant damage in gardens
  • Nuisance when they enter homes

Our Solutions:

  • Moisture control around the home
  • Exterior barrier treatments
  • Removing organic debris from property

13. Centipedes and Millipedes


  • Centipedes: Fast-moving predators with one pair of legs per body segment
  • Millipedes: Slower, detritus feeders with two pairs of legs per segment


  • Centipede bites can be painful
  • Nuisance pests when indoors

Our Solutions:

  • Reducing moisture and humidity
  • Removing leaf litter and mulch near foundations
  • Sealing gaps and entry points

14. Pantry Pests

Common Types:

  • Indian Meal Moths
  • Sawtoothed Grain Beetles
  • Rice Weevils


  • Infestation of stored food products
  • Contamination leading to food waste

Our Solutions:

  • Identifying and discarding infested items
  • Cleaning and vacuuming pantry shelves
  • Proper food storage techniques

15. Carpet Beetles


  • Small, oval insects with varied coloration
  • Larvae feed on natural fibers


  • Damage to carpets, clothing, and upholstery
  • Allergic reactions from shed larval skins

Our Solutions:

  • Thorough vacuuming and cleaning
  • Insecticide treatments in affected areas
  • Storage recommendations for susceptible items

16. Crickets


  • Noisy chirping disrupting sleep
  • Damage to fabrics, paper, and plants

Our Solutions:

  • Exterior treatments to reduce populations
  • Sealing entry points
  • Removing attractants like bright lights at night

17. Moths

Common Types:

  • Clothes Moths
  • Pantry Moths


  • Damage to clothing and textiles
  • Contamination of food products

Our Solutions:

  • Pheromone traps to monitor and reduce populations
  • Cleaning and vacuuming infested areas
  • Preventative measures for storage

18. Gophers and Moles


  • Destruction of lawns and gardens
  • Undermining soil leading to sinkholes

Our Solutions:

  • Trapping and removal
  • Underground barriers
  • Habitat modification

19. Snails and Slugs


  • Feeding on plants, causing garden damage
  • Leaving slime trails

Our Solutions:

  • Baiting and trapping
  • Removing hiding places like debris and mulch
  • Barrier methods to protect plants

20. Scorpions


  • Painful and potentially dangerous stings
  • Hidden in shoes, clothing, or bedding

Our Solutions:

  • Property inspection to identify species and hiding spots
  • Physical removal and habitat modification
  • Sealing entry points to structures

21. Stink Bugs


  • Shield-shaped insects releasing foul odors when disturbed
  • Attracted to warmth and light


  • Crop damage
  • Nuisance when invading homes

Our Solutions:

  • Exterior treatments during peak seasons
  • Sealing cracks and gaps
  • Vacuuming indoor sightings (dispose of vacuum bag to avoid odor)

22. Firebrats


  • Similar to silverfish but prefer hotter environments
  • Feed on carbohydrates and proteins


  • Damage to paper goods, fabrics, and food sources

Our Solutions:

  • Reducing high temperatures in affected areas
  • Insecticide applications
  • Sealing entry points

23. Pill Bugs (Roly-Polies)


  • Small, gray, armored creatures that roll into a ball
  • Thrive in moist environments


  • Generally harmless but can indicate moisture issues

Our Solutions:

  • Improving drainage and reducing moisture
  • Removing organic debris
  • Perimeter treatments

24. Springtails


  • Tiny insects that jump when disturbed
  • Favor damp areas with mold or fungi


  • Nuisance in large numbers
  • Indicator of excessive moisture

Our Solutions:

  • Drying out affected areas
  • Fixing leaks and improving ventilation
  • Treating infested zones

25. Boxelder Bugs


  • Black bugs with red or orange markings
  • Attracted to sunny sides of buildings


  • Nuisance when they invade homes
  • Can stain fabrics with their excrement

Our Solutions:

  • Sealing entry points
  • Exterior treatments in early fall
  • Removing boxelder trees (if practical)

Our Integrated Pest Management Approach

We believe in a holistic approach to pest control, focusing on long-term prevention and minimal environmental impact. Our Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies include:

  • Inspection: Thorough assessment to identify pests and entry points
  • Identification: Accurate determination of pest species
  • Treatment: Targeted applications using safe and effective methods
  • Prevention: Recommendations for structural repairs and sanitation improvements
  • Monitoring: Ongoing checks to ensure pests do not return

Tips to Prevent Pest Infestations

  • Maintain Cleanliness: Regularly clean your home to remove food particles and debris.
  • Proper Food Storage: Keep food in sealed containers.
  • Fix Leaks: Repair plumbing issues to reduce moisture.
  • Seal Entry Points: Use caulk and weather-stripping around windows, doors, and utility penetrations.
  • Reduce Clutter: Declutter spaces to eliminate hiding spots.
  • Yard Maintenance: Keep grass trimmed and remove standing water.

Why Choose 101 Exterminators

  • Experienced Technicians: Our team is trained to handle a wide variety of pest issues with the latest techniques.
  • Customized Solutions: We tailor our services to your specific situation.
  • Eco-Friendly Methods: We prioritize environmentally responsible treatments.
  • Guaranteed Results: We stand by our work and strive for your complete satisfaction.
  • Educational Support: We empower you with knowledge to prevent future infestations.