Rodent Pest Control and Exterminators

Our homes and workplaces are often shared with unwanted guests, and among the most troublesome are rodents. Mice and rats can be more than just a nuisance; they can pose serious health risks, cause damage to your property, and contaminate food supplies. While rodent populations may not be as notorious here on the West Coast as they are in cities like New York, rodents still find their way into homes and businesses across Monterey County, Santa Cruz County, San Benito County, and Santa Clara County. At 101 Exterminators, we specialize in providing fast, effective, and comprehensive rodent control solutions to keep your space safe and pest-free.

Why Rodents Are a Problem

Rodents such as rats and mice may seem small, but they bring with them a host of problems. They are not only destructive but can also carry diseases and parasites that pose serious health risks to humans and pets. Some of the issues rodents can cause include:

  • Disease Transmission: Rodents are known carriers of diseases like hantavirus, leptospirosis, salmonella, and rat-bite fever. They can also bring fleas and ticks into your home.
  • Contamination of Food: Mice and rats will seek out food sources, contaminating your pantry, cupboards, and food storage areas with their urine, droppings, and fur.
  • Property Damage: Rodents have strong teeth that can gnaw through wood, plastic, and even electrical wiring, leading to costly repairs and potential fire hazards.
  • Rapid Reproduction: Rodents reproduce quickly, and what starts as a small problem can soon escalate into a full-blown infestation if not dealt with promptly.

Common Rodents in Northern Central California

Here in California’s northern central coast, we typically encounter a few specific species of rodents. Understanding the behavior of each type can help with effective rodent control.

Roof Rats (Rattus rattus)

  • Appearance: Roof rats are sleek, with dark gray or black fur, and can grow up to 8 inches in length (excluding their tail). They are easily recognizable by their long, scaly tails and pointed noses.
  • Behavior: True to their name, roof rats prefer high places. They often make their homes in attics, rafters, beams, and even power lines. When the weather cools, they seek warmth inside homes and buildings.
  • Risks: Roof rats are known to bite if threatened and can transmit diseases through their bites or droppings. They also cause significant damage by gnawing on wood and wiring.

Norway Rats (Rattus norvegicus)

  • Appearance: These rats are larger and stockier than roof rats, with brown or gray fur. They typically grow to 9 inches in length and have shorter, blunt noses.
  • Behavior: Unlike roof rats, Norway rats prefer to burrow and will often be found in basements, crawl spaces, and ground-level areas. They create extensive tunnel systems and are highly destructive.
  • Risks: Norway rats can contaminate food sources and are known for their ability to chew through walls, pipes, and insulation. Their nesting habits can cause structural damage.

House Mice (Mus musculus)

  • Appearance: House mice are small, with light brown or gray fur, large ears, and long tails. They typically grow to about 2.5 to 3.5 inches in length.
  • Behavior: House mice are highly adaptable and will nest in almost any indoor space, including walls, attics, and cabinets. They’re excellent climbers and are often found in kitchens and pantries.
  • Risks: While smaller than rats, house mice can still spread disease and cause significant property damage. They reproduce rapidly, making infestations harder to control if not addressed quickly.

Signs of a Rodent Infestation

If you’re concerned that rodents may have taken up residence in your home or business, it’s important to look for the common signs of an infestation:

  • Droppings: Rodent droppings are small, dark, and pellet-shaped. They are often found near food sources, in cabinets, or along walls.
  • Gnaw Marks: Rodents chew on just about anything, including wires, wood, plastic, and even metal. Gnaw marks on baseboards or furniture are a strong indicator of a rodent problem.
  • Noises: Hearing scratching or scurrying sounds, especially at night, could mean rodents are moving around in your walls, ceilings, or attic.
  • Nests: Rodents create nests using shredded materials like paper, fabric, or insulation. Finding nests in hidden areas such as attics or storage rooms can be a sign of an infestation.
  • Tracks and Smudges: Rats and mice often leave oily smudges along walls, floors, and baseboards where they frequently travel. You may also spot small tracks or tail marks in dusty areas.

How 101 Exterminators Treats Rodent Infestations

At 101 Exterminators, we offer a comprehensive approach to rodent control, addressing both the immediate infestation and preventing future problems. Here’s how we get rid of rodents for good:

1. Thorough Inspection

We begin with a detailed inspection of your property to identify the source of the infestation, entry points, and areas where rodents are nesting or feeding. This helps us create a tailored treatment plan to target the problem effectively.

2. Trapping and Extermination

Once we’ve identified the problem areas, we use a combination of traps and bait stations to capture and eliminate the rodents. Our methods are humane and safe for your family and pets, while still being highly effective in controlling rodent populations.

3. Sealing Entry Points

Rodents can squeeze through even the tiniest openings, so we carefully inspect your home or business for gaps, cracks, and holes that rodents may be using to gain access. We seal these entry points to prevent new rodents from entering.

4. Ongoing Monitoring and Prevention

Even after the initial treatment, we continue to monitor your property to ensure that the rodents do not return. We’ll provide tips for keeping your home rodent-free, such as proper food storage and maintaining a clean, clutter-free environment. We also offer ongoing maintenance services to prevent future infestations.

Why Choose 101 Exterminators for Rodent Control?

  • Experienced Technicians: Our team is trained to handle rodent infestations of all sizes, from small household problems to large commercial properties.
  • Safe and Effective Solutions: We use the latest methods and technologies to eliminate rodents quickly while keeping your home or business safe for people and pets.
  • Comprehensive Service: From inspection to prevention, we cover all aspects of rodent control to ensure that your property stays rodent-free for the long term.
  • Local Expertise: As experts in the northern central coast region, we understand the unique challenges that come with dealing with rodents in California and tailor our services accordingly.

Don’t let rodents take over your home or business. Whether you’re dealing with mice in your pantry or rats in your attic, 101 Exterminators is here to provide fast, reliable, and thorough rodent pest control. Contact us today to schedule an inspection and protect your property from these unwelcome invaders.