Tick Pest Control and Exterminators

Ticks may be small, but they pose a serious threat to the health and well-being of both humans and pets. In the beautiful outdoor environments of Monterey County, Santa Cruz County, San Benito County, and Santa Clara County, it’s easy to forget about the dangers lurking in tall grass and wooded areas. At 101 Exterminators, we’re here to help you protect your family, pets, and property from ticks and the diseases they carry.

Why Worry About Ticks? The Risk of Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is one of the most well-known and concerning illnesses transmitted by ticks. It can affect people of all ages and, if left untreated, can lead to severe complications that impact multiple body systems, including:

  • The Skin
  • The Heart
  • The Nervous System
  • The Joints

Early detection and treatment of Lyme disease usually lead to full recovery, but if it’s missed or ignored, the infection can cause long-lasting damage. And while treatment can cure the disease, people who have had Lyme disease once can still get it again.

Pets and Lyme Disease

Pets, particularly dogs, are also at risk of contracting Lyme disease. Symptoms in pets include:

  • Fever
  • Lethargy
  • Decreased Appetite
  • Painful Joints and Limping
  • Kidney Disease (in severe cases)

Tick bites can also transmit other serious diseases to pets, making regular checks and preventative treatments essential.

Ticks Commonly Found in California’s Northern Central Coast

While Lyme disease is often linked to the Western blacklegged tick (commonly known as the deer tick), other species of ticks in our area can also cause health problems for both humans and animals.

Western Blacklegged Tick (Ixodes pacificus)

  • Size: Small, about 3 mm to 5 mm in length.
  • Risks: Known for spreading Lyme disease to humans and pets.
  • Habitat: Prefers wooded areas and tall grass, especially in cool, moist environments.

American Dog Tick (Dermacentor variabilis)

  • Size: Larger than deer ticks, about 5 mm to 15 mm in length.
  • Risks: Does not carry Lyme disease but can transmit Rocky Mountain spotted fever and cause tick paralysis in pets when attached near the spinal cord.
  • Habitat: Often found in grassy or brushy areas and along hiking trails.

Brown Dog Tick (Rhipicephalus sanguineus)

  • Size: Medium-sized, about 3 mm to 5 mm in length.
  • Risks: Primarily a threat to dogs, this tick can infest homes, especially in areas with a high population of pets.
  • Habitat: Can be found indoors, particularly in homes and kennels where dogs spend time.

How to Protect Yourself, Your Family, and Your Pets from Ticks

Preventing tick bites is the most effective way to reduce the risk of Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses. The following strategies, recommended by the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), can help keep ticks at bay:

1. For Pets

  • Veterinarian-Approved Tick Medication: Regularly treat your pets with anti-tick medications recommended by your veterinarian.
  • Check for Ticks: Frequently check your pets for ticks, especially after spending time outdoors. Pay attention to excessive scratching, licking, or changes in behavior.

2. For People

  • Avoid Tall Grass: Stay clear of tall grass, brush, and wooded areas where ticks are likely to hide.
  • Wear Protective Clothing: When hiking or spending time outdoors, wear long sleeves, long pants, and hats. Tuck pants into socks to minimize exposed skin.
  • Use Repellents: Apply EPA-approved tick repellents, such as DEET or permethrin, to skin and clothing.

3. Around Your Home

  • Maintain Your Yard: Keep your lawn trimmed, remove weeds, and clear away leaf litter. Ticks thrive in tall grass and overgrown areas.
  • Create Barriers: Place wood chips or gravel around the perimeter of your yard to help reduce tick migration.
  • Discourage Wildlife: Keep wild animals like deer, raccoons, and rodents away from your home by securing trash bins and sealing entry points.
  • Check for Ticks Indoors: Ticks can hitch a ride into your home on pets, clothing, or gear. Always check yourself, children, and pets after spending time outside.

How 101 Exterminators Can Help with Tick Control

If you suspect your home or property has a tick problem, it’s important to take action quickly. At 101 Exterminators, we offer professional tick control services designed to keep your home, yard, and pets safe from ticks and the diseases they carry.

1. Inspection

We’ll begin with a thorough inspection of your property to identify areas where ticks are active. Our technicians will check:

  • Tall grass
  • Wooded areas
  • Outdoor pet habitats

2. Targeted Treatment

Based on the inspection, we’ll develop a customized treatment plan to eliminate ticks and reduce the risk of future infestations. Our treatments focus on:

  • Outdoor Areas: Applying tick control products to reduce tick populations in your yard, especially in high-risk areas.
  • Perimeter Protection: Creating a barrier around your home to prevent ticks from entering.
  • Pet Areas: Treating areas where pets spend time outdoors, such as dog runs and kennels.

3. Ongoing Prevention

In addition to treating ticks, we’ll offer tips and guidance to help you keep your yard and home tick-free year-round. Regular maintenance and periodic inspections will ensure that ticks don’t return.

At 101 Exterminators, we’re committed to protecting families and pets in the northern central coast from the risks posed by ticks. Whether you’re concerned about Lyme disease or simply want to enjoy your outdoor spaces without worry, our professional tick control services are designed to give you peace of mind. Let us help keep your home and property safe from these dangerous pests.