Wasp and Bee Pest Control

Bees and wasps are more than just buzzing nuisances—they play important roles in our ecosystem, especially bees, which are crucial pollinators for plants and crops. However, when these flying insects take up residence too close to our homes, they can pose a real danger, particularly for those with allergies. At 101 Exterminators, we provide safe and effective wasp and bee pest control services for residents and businesses in Monterey County, Santa Cruz County, San Benito County, and Santa Clara County. Whether it’s wasps creating nests in high-traffic areas or bees setting up shop in your walls, our goal is to protect both you and the environment.

The Importance of Bees

Bees, particularly honeybees, are essential to our environment. They are responsible for pollinating a significant portion of the world’s food supply, from fruits and vegetables to nuts and flowers. Unfortunately, since the mid-2000s, a phenomenon called colony collapse disorder has threatened bee populations worldwide. This mysterious condition has led to the disappearance of millions of bees, with beekeepers reporting losses of up to 90% in some cases.

While a bee infestation near your home may cause concern, it’s important to remember that bees are not aggressive and will only sting in self-defense. At 101 Exterminators, we prioritize the protection of these valuable pollinators and aim to relocate bee hives rather than exterminate them. We work with experienced bee handlers who safely remove and relocate hives away from your property.

Wasp Infestations: More Dangerous Than Bees

While bees are generally peaceful, wasps—particularly species like yellowjackets and paper wasps—are more aggressive and pose a greater risk. Unlike bees, which die after stinging, wasps can sting multiple times, making them particularly dangerous if their nests are located near high-traffic areas like doorways, patios, or playgrounds.

Common Types of Wasps in Our Area

  • Yellowjackets: These wasps are known for their bright yellow and black bodies and can become aggressive, especially when their nests are disturbed. Yellowjackets often build nests underground or in wall voids, making them harder to spot.
  • Paper Wasps: These slender wasps are brown with yellow markings and build their nests in open areas, such as under eaves, porch ceilings, and window frames. While not as aggressive as yellowjackets, they will defend their nests if threatened.

Wasps can also be attracted to food and sugary drinks, making outdoor gatherings risky if wasps are present. Their sting can cause significant pain, swelling, and allergic reactions in some people, so it’s important to address wasp infestations quickly.

Africanized “Killer” Bees: More Aggressive Than Honeybees

While honeybees are generally docile, there is a more aggressive species you need to be aware of: Africanized “killer” bees. These bees look similar to regular honeybees but are far more aggressive in defending their nests.

Key Differences Between Africanized Bees and Honeybees:

  • Aggression: Africanized bees react more quickly to perceived threats and will chase people or animals for longer distances—up to a quarter of a mile.
  • Group Attack: While honeybees may sting in self-defense, Africanized bees attack in larger numbers, which can result in multiple stings.
  • Danger: A person walking within 50 feet of an Africanized bee nest can receive as many as 100 stings.

Despite their aggression, Africanized bees still play a vital role in pollination. Like with honeybees, at 101 Exterminators, we aim to relocate Africanized bee colonies when possible, rather than resorting to extermination.

Signs You May Have a Wasp or Bee Infestation

If you notice any of the following signs, it’s important to call a professional to assess the situation and safely remove the nest:

  • Increased Activity: If you notice a high number of bees or wasps near a specific area of your home, it could indicate a nearby nest.
  • Visible Nests: Wasp nests can often be seen hanging from eaves, ceilings, or branches. Bee hives may be hidden inside walls, trees, or attics.
  • Buzzing Sounds: A constant buzzing noise coming from walls or attics could mean bees have created a nest inside your home.
  • Stings: If you or your family are experiencing an unusual number of stings, it could be a sign of a wasp or bee infestation nearby.

How 101 Exterminators Handles Wasp and Bee Infestations

At 101 Exterminators, we take a careful and responsible approach to wasp and bee control, always prioritizing safety and environmental responsibility.

1. Inspection

We begin by conducting a thorough inspection of your property to identify the location of the nest and determine the type of insect we’re dealing with—be it bees, wasps, or Africanized bees. Understanding the species is crucial in deciding the best course of action.

2. Safe Removal and Relocation

  • Bee Relocation: For honeybees and Africanized bees, we work with experienced bee handlers to safely remove and relocate the hive. This approach ensures that the bees are preserved and relocated to a safer environment where they can continue their valuable pollination work.
  • Wasp Removal: For wasp infestations, we use safe and effective insecticides to eliminate the nest. Once the wasps are eradicated, we’ll remove the nest to prevent any future re-infestations.

3. Prevention and Maintenance

After removing the nest, we help you implement preventive measures to keep bees and wasps from returning:

  • Sealing Entry Points: We recommend sealing cracks, gaps, and other entry points around your home where wasps or bees could enter.
  • Yard Maintenance: Keeping your yard free of food scraps, open garbage, and sugary drinks can reduce the likelihood of attracting wasps.
  • Regular Inspections: If you’ve had problems with bees or wasps before, scheduling regular inspections can help prevent future infestations.

Why Choose 101 Exterminators for Wasp and Bee Control?

  • Humane Bee Relocation: We prioritize bee relocation over extermination to support local ecosystems and protect valuable pollinators.
  • Safe Wasp Extermination: Our wasp removal techniques are safe for your family and pets while effectively eliminating the problem.
  • Experienced Technicians: Our team is trained to handle even the most aggressive wasp and bee infestations, ensuring a safe, thorough solution.
  • Local Expertise: We understand the unique challenges faced by residents in Monterey, Santa Cruz, San Benito, and Santa Clara counties and tailor our services to meet your needs.

When bees or wasps get too close for comfort, 101 Exterminators is here to help. Whether you need humane bee relocation or wasp extermination, our expert team will ensure your home and family are protected. Contact us today for fast, safe, and effective pest control solutions.